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Breath&Bodywork Menu offered @24th &Madison wellness space by appointment~

Often we are so busy with life that we miss the messages our bodies are sending us. This feedback is so important to engage with in order to maximize movement, balance body function, and subside stress. By taking the time to check in with our muscles, nervous system, and inspire circulation we can manage our health and maintain our energies towards wellness.

As a bodyworker I am honored to help facilitate connections with your body, hoping to guide towards feeling great. Letting yourself sink into the present awareness with massage can have so many benefits to including improving circulation, encouraging immune function, and calming the nervous system. Each opportunity to connect with the messages our muscles and systems are sending us is a chance to improve our wellness.

All offerings from the Breath&Bodywork Menu are available or choose one of our signature weekend sessions:

  • Relax and Restore designed to create a restful and restorative experience for your bodymind

  • Intuition Unwinding follows patterns of holding to support regulation and reset

  • Release & Recover targets problem areas and pain management

  • Centered in Sound stress relief/self care session

  • Energy Connect attention around chakras centers in our myofascial web

  • Sacral Balance alternating compressions and clears focused on the sacral spine/glutes/low back

  • Get Grounded sink back to earth and your NOW

Sessions available from 12-7 at the 24th & Madison wellness space.


April 5

Thai Yoga Massage

April 10

Breath&Bodywork Menu offered @24th &Madison wellness space by appointment~